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Education And Training

Sisanda Tech is making science learning easy, fun and engaging

With the lack of access to science apparatus and equipment for experiments in public schools, Mbangiso Mabaso saw a gap in the industry and decided to establish develop Sisanda Tech. Founded in 2017, Sisanda Tech uses technology to enhance learning experiences in and out of the classroom. “Our vision is to give every child in the world a platform to thrive through the building and creating platforms or spaces that can allow them to explore their curiosity, experiment anywhere and anytime and play learning,” says Mabaso

Learners use a special cube and a phone or a tablet to interact with virtual apparatus and experiments through the screen and manipulation of the cube. The project was inspired by Mbangiso Mabaso’s own experience in high school of not having access to proper equipment for science experiments. Vuyisile Mdutjulwa believed in Mabaso’s dream so he invested in the company. Thereafter Mabaso used a borrowed laptop to build my first game for Sisanda Tech. The game was called EED (Energy Efficiency Diva), which was an energy awareness game to teach kids between the age of 8 to 13 on how to save energy. It reached 589 downloads on Google Play store and came to the third position at SAB Kickstart Ignite.

“We then pivoted from EED after struggling to raise money to develop it further to SI Realities,” said Mabaso. SI realities is a virtual science laboratory for science learners and teachers. It uses the camera of the smartphone or tablet to project virtual science apparatus in front the learners so they can be able to dissect, manipulate and extract objects just like how will they do it in a normal science lab.

“I’m a Product Of Public School, and I remember one day my Physical Science teacher, introduced a concept of generating electricity through the movement of magnets and motors,” said Mabaso. The two young men were intrigued and rushed to the science lab only to find out that the doors were falling off, taps were blocked and even worse, there was no apparatus to perform our experiment.

The Red Bull Amaphiko programme participant realized that the setback affected his productivity at university because it was difficult for him because he was studying who were exposed to well-functioning labs at their high schools.” Mabaso highlighted that he has family members who attend the same school thus he founded Sisanda Tech to bridge the gap. “I just want to see the child in Section J, Botshabelo, South Africa have the opportunity to explore her curiosity with a child in Uganda and give them an opportunity to explore their curiosity, experiment anywhere and anytime and play while learning”, emphasized Mabaso.

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