Amandla Development is partnering with Yale University, University of Cape Town, Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital and Western Cape Education Department to launch and expand on nine projects that will empower 4 670 youth, adolescents and women in Philippi.
104 Yale alumni arrived in Cape Town to co-facilitate nine projects over five days, from 30 July until 3 August. With a wealth of varied experience, the Yale alumni will assist with collectively igniting the projects and Amandla Development will ensure the sustainable longevity of the projects with various local partners on the ground. Teacher champions have been allocated to continue some of the projects as part of the after school game changer programme initiated by the Western Cape government to provide quality, safe after school activities. The week will be a culmination of cross-border partners coming together for projects that will see positive impacts in the community of Philippi.
“We have been planning this trip for over a year and are all looking forward to working with Amandla. We can’t wait to meet and get to know the learners in the schools and the other residents of Philippi.” – Rob Biniaz, a 1975 graduate of Yale University who is leading the trip to Cape Town. Then a word from Scott Clark, the Founding Director of Amandla Development regarding the collaboration – “Amandla is so excited to have this brilliant group bringing their time and talent to Philippi to catalyse new work projects and build bridges from Philippi to the US. We’re confident it will be a major boost to our mission of ensuring every child is supported cradle to career to finish school and become employable, active citizens.”
The projects that will be initiated and expanded upon during the week are:
- Assessment of hearing related diseases of 3500 learners with the Department of Health.
- Women’s Health workshop that will work with 25 women each day.
- Sexual Reproductive Health and HIV workshops working with adolescents.
- Computer Coding with primary school learners to learn coding and programming.
- Business coaching with 20 entrepreneurs through the UCT school of business.
- A dance programme inspiring creativity and movement amongst 360 youth.
- An online community newspaper to be run by 30 learners to share positive news.
- Training 30 grade 10 learners to become tutors for their grade 9 peers.
- Building shelving and painting libraries at two schools.
Amandla Development is an NGO that aims to empower Philippi youth with equal access to quality education opportunities through mentoring, counselling and tutoring. Amandla plays a central role in creating a collective network of partners between schools, organisations and government to work with youth from cradle to career.