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Water and Sanitation calls public to participate in Water Photo Story Competition

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS), in collaboration with the South African National Committee (SANC) for UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), calls on members of the public to participate in the Citizen Science for Water Photo Story Competition, which was launched in September 2024.

The competition seeks to raise awareness on the intertwined relationship between water and the various dimensions of culture, value, education and the natural sciences, as well as demonstrate how citizens, communities and education could effectively support the sustainable use and management of water, amongst others.

Participants are encouraged to explore and submit photo stories aligned with the following five themes:

•    Water & Citizen Science
•    Water & Partnerships
•    Water & Education
•    Water & Culture
•    Water & Communities

The competition is open to South African individuals aged 18 and above. Participants should submit minimum of 3 photographs that tell a cohesive story on one of the 5 themes, along with title, overall story of 200-500 words, names of the author(s), photograph location in South Africa. Entries for the competition is open and can be accessed on the UNESCO website which is and closes on 26 March 2025.

This competition targets citizens from all walks of life with a keen interest on water matters including citizen science organisations, related civil society groups as well as visual artists and photographers.

Winners will be announced in April 2025 and recognised through awards from DWS and SANC-IHP. Winning entries will gain visibility through local and international UNESCO IHP platforms, where the top 15 pieces will be featured in an exhibition during the launch of the Photo Story Book in June 2025.

The Department urges participants to familiarise themselves with the competition’s submission rules. Inquiries or submission issues can be directed to DWS further encourages creative and passionate individuals to enter the competition, share their stories, and inspire meaningful action on water issues.

This initiative, supported by SANC members, including the Water Research Commission (WRC), the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI), the University of South Africa (UNISA), and the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), aims to highlight the importance of water action and citizen science through compelling visual storytelling.

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