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Education And Training

#VALUE4HER: Strengthening Women’s Agribusiness Enterprises in Africa.

CTA is a joint institution of the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States and the European Union. CTA operates under the framework of the Cotonou Agreement and is funded by the European Union.

Women are actors in numerous agricultural value chains, offering huge potential for their participation in markets, but few are involved in the business end of the chain.
#VALUE4HER is a 22-month project aimed at increasing VALUE for women agripreneurs through market access, improving knowledge, skills, networks and advocacy aimed at addressing some of the key barriers for women’s empowerment in agriculture and agribusiness.

AWIEF is the regional partner responsible for the implementation of the #VALUE4HER project in Southern Africa.

CTA, AWIEF and the regional partner for East Africa, AWAN are preparing a LAUNCH of this programme in Nairobi, Kenya. We are holding a Stakeholder Workshop on 4th and the Project Launch on 5th July 2018 at the Nairobi Sarova Panafric Hotel.

AWIEF is a pan-African women economic empowerment organization. Its mission is to foster women’s economic inclusion, advancement and empowerment through entrepreneurship support and development.

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