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Total of 2 643 new operating licences available to metered-taxi operators

The City of Cape Town presented the Western Cape Provincial Regulatory Entity with the methodology that they followed in determining the demand-and-supply for metered-taxi services in Cape Town. This method was developed over the past two years to determine the demand for and supply of metered-taxi services in the city, and apply to those operating from a rank, commercial base or via an e-hailing platform.

The purpose of the demand method is to ensure a sustainable metered-taxi industry that will meet the commuter demand, while at the same time preventing an over-supply of metered-taxi operators.

The demand-and-supply method indicates:
There is a demand for 6 000 metered-taxi operating licences in Cape Town.
There are currently 2 646 legal metered-taxi operators, meaning, 2 646 metered-taxi operators have valid operating licences and are operating legally within the city.
Up to 711 metered-taxi operating licences have expired. The holders of these lapsed operating licences will have first opportunity to apply for new operating licences in lieu of the lapsed operating licences as from Monday, 13 February 2023 to Tuesday, 28 February 2023
A balance of 2 643 additional or new operating licences are available and new entrants to the metered-taxi industry may apply for these as from Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Process to be followed for lapsed operating licences, or ‘late renewals’:
Applications open on Monday, 13 February 2023 and close on Tuesday, 28 February 2023
The PRE will send an SMS to all holders of the 711 non-renewed operating licences to apply for new licences by Tuesday, 28 February 2023
Those who are unable to apply before the cut-off date of Tuesday, 28 February 2023 may request in writing to the PRE for an extension, together with a motivation
Operators who are uncertain of the status of their operating licences may contact the PRE at or phone 021 483 0241 to confirm whether their names appear on the list of 711 expired metered-taxi operating licences
The base address – this is the address where the operator is operating from, must be within the City’s metropolitan boundary
Those operating from a residential base can only apply for one metered-taxi operating licence
Those operating from a commercial base can apply for a maximum of five metered-taxi operating licences
Those operating from an informal residential dwelling or backyard, need a letter from the sub-council or the local ward councillor confirming the informal residential address
Foreign nationals must be in possession of the required residency and work permit that is valid for at least 18 months from the date of application
Operators are no longer required to apply for a letter of provisional support from the City of Cape Town prior to lodging their applications, in other words an application is made directly to the PRE
Applications can be submitted via email, at
Alternatively, applications can be handed in at the Vangate Shared Service Centre, at the corner of Bosduif and Volstruis Streets in Bridgetown, Athlone
Applicants must please note that cash payments are no longer accepted for application fees

How to apply for a new metered-taxi operating licence:
Applications open on Wednesday, 1 March 2023
2 643 new operating licences are available
The base address – this is the address where the operator is operating from, must be within the City’s metropolitan boundaries
Those operating from a residential base can only apply for one metered-taxi operating licence
Those operating from a commercial base can apply for a maximum of five metered-taxi operating licences
Those operating from an informal residential dwelling or backyard, need a letter from the sub-council or the local ward councillor confirming the informal residential address
Foreign nationals must be in possession of a residency and work permit that is valid for at least 18 months from the date of application for the new operating licences
Operators are no longer required to apply for a letter of provisional support from the City of Cape Town prior to lodging their applications, in other words, application is made directly to the PRE
Applications can be submitted via email, at
Alternatively, applications can be handed in at the Vangate Shared Service Centre at the corner of Bosduif and Volstruis Streets in Bridgetown, Athlone
Applicants must please note that cash payments are no longer accepted for application fees

The PRE is responsible for receiving operating licence applications and the issuing of public transport operating licences, and will be guiding the above processes in terms of the required documentation. An application will only be considered complete, when all of the required supporting documentation has been submitted with the application.

‘I encourage those whose operating licences have lapsed to make use of the opportunity to apply for a new metered-taxi operating licence within the stipulated timeframes. Once this time has lapsed, the process will be open to new entrants to the metered-taxi industry who want to apply for metered-taxi operating licences. There are 2 643 new spaces available – this is good news for the market and the entrepreneurs wishing to join this industry. This opportunity is available to all operators, regardless of whether you are a traditional metered-taxi operator or using an e-hailing platform,’ said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Urban Mobility, Councillor Rob Quintas.

Photo Credit: Henk Kruger

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