In a world where young girls are facing challenges such as teenage pregnancy, dropping out of school, declined academic performance, poor self-image and mental health challenges, mentorship has become an imperative.
Sister K Foundation seeks to help girls navigate some of these challenges through providing girls with mentorship. This Foundation was established in 2019 with an aim to assist women in realising their true worth and inspiring them to maximise their potential; and fulfil their purpose.
Their mentorship program is called the Femtors and Mentees program. They refer to women who mentor girls as Femtors. The Founder, Keletso Yende has made a call to all women who have a passion to uplift young women, are eager to share your knowledge and experiences to help others reach their full potential to volunteer as Femtors. The call is also to all girls who need mentoring to sign up for the program.
Based on a particular femtorâs expertise and mentees areas of need, the femtor will be paired with a mentee in order to provide the mentee with monthly mentorship sessions from April 2022 till November 2022. The Foundation will provide the femtors with monthly training that will equip them to mentor effectively. All engagements are virtual so anyone can join irrespective of their location.
If you would like to volunteer as a Femtor or sign up as a Mentee, please email, for further details. You can also support the initiative by making a donation to the Foundation.