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Health And Welfare

Zimbabwe calls for citizens to get tested for fight against Covid-19

In the fight against COVID-19, Zimbabwe has planned to roll our free tests for 100 000 people set to take place sometime next week as the number of infections rise rapidly and drastically.

This exercise will take place in all community clinics around the country. The aim of this practice is to identify, trace and isolate all suspected cases. By so doing, the country expects to arrest the pandemic and stop it from spreading.

Zimbabwe has called for all people to adhere to the and work together as one in order to fight the pandemic that has lasted more than it was imagined.

As said by Dr Prosper Chonzi, Harare City Council Director for Health services, Zimbabwe’s capital city will run at least 30 000 tests bearing in mind that it is the most populated town in the country with thousands of people at high risk of contracting the virus.

Preparations are at an advanced stage and have already been put to into place with all the necessary equipment available. All interested individuals have been called to come for the tests provided and funded for by the government.

“We are intensifying community testing for Covid-19 and at the moment. Our staff is busy pitching up tents to commence the process,” said Dr Chonzi.

“We are doing this so that we know the extent of local transmissions and categorise them. We are expecting to run about 30 000 tests in the coming weeks and we are doing this with support from Higher Life Foundation and Mars,” continued Dr Chonzi.

The process will start off with rapid diagnostic testing (RDT), from which those positive will be tested again using the definitive method known as Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

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