It has been five years since the beloved Parks and Recreation television show aired what viewers believed to be its last episode—but this week, the show’s original cast came together for a half-hour reunion episode to raise money for COVID-19 relief.
The episode, which welcomed back Amy Poehler, Rashida Jones, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Adam Scott, Jim O’Heir, Rob Lowe, and even Paul Rudd, explored how the characters have been coping with the current pandemic since the show ended in 2015.
The special has reportedly raised more than $3 million for Feeding America’s COVID-19 Relief Fund—and donations are still pouring in, according to NBC.
The first $500,000 worth of donations generated by “A Parks and Recreation Special” was matched by the show’s producers, network, and cast members—all of whom respected social distancing guidelines by contributing to the episode from their own homes.
The episode is currently being streamed for free on Youtube, Hulu, and the NBC website.
Source: GNN