Auckland City Mission remembers the homeless and rushes them to nearest motels for prevention against the coronavirus during the lockdown since they are at a higher risk of getting infected.
It has been noted with much concern, that there are too many homeless people around the world and during crisis like the COVID 19 they are not catered. However, the Ministry of Social Development in New Zealand is busy locating the homeless people in different places that are conducive for them during the lockdown.
“These people are being transported one by one in vans to keep the social distancing.”says Zoe Truell , a worker at Lifewise.” We will stay faithful to people’s health and twill continue transporting people to the chosen respective places for their stay.
Auckland City Mission will give people take aways instead of feeding 300 of them at once at the same place.
“People are really scared, freaked out that everything is closing down, that they will be stuck on the street, some are living in compromised structures,” stated Zoe.
However, this act has been put across many countries to help fight against the pandemic. In South Africa, President Ramaphosa announced that temporary shelter will be given to the homeless during the lockdown period. He also mentioned that shelters will meet the necessary hygiene standards therefore we ought to stay strong in this difficult time.